Understanding Different Interior Design Styles

Style by definition is “a manner of doing something” but this word can be interpreted many ways. From hair style to personal clothing style and even our décor style, we all have a unique preferences and habits unlike anyone else’s. One of the biggest challenges many of our clients face when they come to us for help is being able to identify and define their personal interior design style. With an abundance of design styles,…

2021 Interior Design Trends

2020 was a very unpredictable year, to say the least. Since the pandemic we now have a different perspective and deeper appreciation for the roles our homes play in our daily lives.    For many, our homes have now become a workplace, a school, a place for entertaining and a shelter from the outside world. Because of this, homes are no longer just about the looks but also about functionality and comfort and the new interior design trends of 2021 reflect that new mentality.  …

10 New Year’s Home Resolutions You Should Make

As the year 2020 comes to an end many of us are looking to 2021 as a fresh start, and what better time than now Is there to set some New Year’s resolutions to keep us on track!   When it comes to resolutions personal goals are always a top priority but making resolutions for our homes can be just as important for our overall health.   From renovating to reorganizing we recommend adding a New Year’s home resolution to your list, below are a list of some ideas…